Notre Dame avea nevoie de lucrări de restaurare de 150 de milioane de euro în 2017

În septembrie 2017, New York Times arăta că Notre Dame de Paris, catedrala care a luat foc în seara de 15 aprilie a.c., avea nevoie urgentă de lucrări de restaurare de 150 de milioane de euro: „Broken gargoyles and fallen balustrades replaced by plastic pipes and wooden planks. Flying buttresses darkened by pollution and eroded by rainwater. Pinnacles propped up by beams and held together with straps.

Little of that deterioration is immediately visible to the millions of awe-struck tourists who visit the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris every year, many of them too busy admiring the intricately sculpted front to notice the wear and tear.

But on a recent afternoon, André Finot, the cathedral’s spokesman, pointed out the decay. One patch of limestone crumbled at a finger’s touch.

This is not the first time — nor will it be the last — that the cathedral, a jewel of medieval Gothic architecture, has required an extensive makeover. But experts say Notre-Dame, although not at risk of sudden collapse, has reached a tipping point — and an expensive one at that.

To foot the bill — an estimated 150 million euros, or nearly $180 million — they are hoping to capitalize not only on the architectural patriotism of the French, but also on the francophilia of American donors.

“There is a real need for urgent restoration work,” said Michel Picaud, who heads the newly created Friends of Notre-Dame de Parisfoundation, which aims to raise money in the United States.”

Site-ul catedralei are chiar o secțiune de mecenat, aici.


(sursa foto: AFP/Getty)

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