Raportul MCV: ANI este, în continuare, atacată politic
Principalele ținte ale atacurilor politice și ale presei controlate politic sînt deciziile instanțelor și cele ale Agenției Naționale de Integritate. Conform draft-ului raportului MCV care va fi făcut public miercuri, cum apare un dosar greu politic la ANI, cum se pune la cale atacul. Iată un fragment din acest draft.
„The National Integrity Agency (ANI) and The National Integrity Council (NIC)
Over the past year, The National Integrity Agency (ANI) has continued to consolidate its track record. There are however continued obstacles, and differences between the progress made on incompatibilities, conflict of interests and unjustified wealth. In particular, ANI and its management have faced a series of attacks and criticisms, which have often seemed to coincide with ANI cases against senior political figures. (…)
ANI has become more established as an institution (…). ANI’s rulings are often challenged in court, but the data shows that in over 80% of challenges to ANI rulings on conflict of interests, the courts confirmed ANI’s conclusions. (…)”